Studio Changes

Exciting Changes in the Studio!
Read on for my exciting new news!
I have been considering the pros and cons of moving a greater amount of production in-house for well over a year. Then in February of 2022 I flew out to Albuquerque, NM to my favorite material and tool supplier look at purchasing some new equipment. I was warmly received there and given a super-fun VIP facility tour and a demo on the machines I was interested in. I was met by the entire regional sales team and it made me feel like a queen, but with tools. It was such a killer experience I will never forget
2 weeks later a giant delivery of pallets and crates was left in my driveway and I spent many an hour using crowbars, drills and brute strength to get everything unpacked and moved into my studio.
What did I get???? Well... the biggies are a casting machine, kiln, vacuum table, standing buffing machine with dust collector :) Just to name a few. Yep, I went for it.
It certainly wasn't easy taking all of these steps. Just the sheer size of the incoming items and the feat of fitting it all into my smaller space. Reading so many manuals and going crosseyed. Worrying regularly if I made the right move by investing in all this stuff. Lots of smoke, bad fiery smells and accidental messes were all a part of this learning curve. I'll spare you many of the more mundane but equally trying steps that I had to take to get up and running.
What really matters is this: I now have ALL the necessary tools and equipment to bring casting production in-house. This will be a transition that takes place over time. My current system works just fine and I will be easing into the transition.
What does this mean to you?
- I will be making and offering more one-of-a-kinds.
- I will have room for greater creative explorations = more exciting design directions.
- I will soon be offering a larger portion of my collections in gold.
- I will be able to keep my pricing reasonable and my margins sustainable as markets soar.
- I will be adding new team members so you might see some faces other than mine!
What will NOT change...
- DPJ will continue to work only with recycled metals.
- DPJ will continue to offer the same standards of quality and always strive for improvement.
If you are still here, wow. Thanks for sticking it out. I promise you will see some beautiful things come out of this change.
As always, I appreciate your support and would love to hear your thoughts or questions! Feel free to respond directly to this email should you have something to say! I encourage and welcome your correspondence!
Comments on this post (1)
Woo! This is huge! And exhausting while training a pup, training a preschooler, being wife, mother, PTA person, and everything else. I’m so excited for you. I have pieces for you to ‘recycle’ (once I locate them 🤣) You are amazingly talented! I’m so proud with you.
— Deb